Category Archives:
Storytelling in Business

May 16, 2017

Storytelling and Brain Science

What is Story Theater? Story Theater is the science of the art of storytelling and humor for business presentations. In This Issue: “Storytelling and Brain Science: This is Your Brain on Story“ by Doug Stevenson Client List: Book Doug for The Power to Persuade – The Magic of Story or for Aikido Selling -Sell it […]

May 15, 2017

Influence Anyone – Storytelling for Leaders and Executives

When you give a speech or presentation: Do people look forward to hearing you speak? Do you engage the complete and total attention of your audience? Do you inspire confidence in leadership? You can lead, engage and inspire, all at the same time, when you learn the secrets to becoming a better storyteller. Mistakes, Failures […]

May 15, 2017

Storytelling That Sells

It’s been said that people buy on emotion and rationalize their decision with logic. A study done at University of Florida revealed the following: “The national study of 23,168 people shows that no matter what people may presume, feelings and emotions, not Spock-like logic, drive consumers to make even big-ticket purchases,” said Jon Morris, an […]

May 15, 2017

How to Craft a Compelling Story with The Nine Steps of Story Structure

Have you ever watched a movie that was too long, lost your interest or just didn’t work? How about a movie that was three hours long, but you were so engaged that you didn’t want it to end? What’s the difference between a movie that works and one that doesn’t? Great storytelling structure. That’s what […]

February 22, 2016

Should You Memorize Your TED talk?

Does Memorization Help or Hurt Your Speech? Early on in my speaking career, I was getting booked fairly consistently with a speech called, The Positive Power of Change. That keynote was filled with a number of stories, including my signature story, the Streaking Story. It was exciting to know that I had a speech that […]

February 11, 2015

How to Write a Great Speech

Early on in my speaking career, I was getting booked fairly consistently with a keynote speech called, The Positive Power of Change. That keynote was filled with a number of stories, including my signature story, the Streaking Story. It was exciting to know that I had a speech that worked every time. During that time, […]

January 16, 2015

Storytelling Skills – Body Language Speaks

Joel had been chosen by his team to be the one to give a presentation in front of a small review committee. His would be one of ten 30-minute presentations that day. A lot was riding on his presentation so he had to nail it. His team was depending on him. As I watched him […]

January 14, 2015

Storytelling in Business – The Hybrid Story

Depending on the client and the event, I use stories that can be targeted towards lessons that are applicable in leadership, sales, marketing, fundraising or inspiration. The needs of the client determine what stories I use. My client’s audience isn’t interested in something that happened to me, unless I can relate it to their current […]

November 13, 2013

Corporate Storytelling Video by Doug Stevenson

Corporate Storytelling Video sample This video is an example of how I use a story to market and sell what I do. It also demonstrates my Story Theater Method in action. In other words, it is a strategically chosen, crafted and performed story intended to get a desired and predictable result. Which it does. The […]

September 11, 2013

Corporate Storytelling Skills – Developing Emotional Distance

At what point is it appropriate to tell the story about losing a son in a drunk driving accident? When are you ready to tell your cancer story? How much time must pass before you can use the tragedies of your past to help others? Over the years, I’ve worked with many students and retreat […]